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I assist people in reaching health and happiness in all areas of their life, by balancing the field of energy that surrounds the human body. With 12 years of training and 20 years of experience, I am able to facilitate clients in their journey to health from “dis-ease.” Energy healing is also a wonderful modality for preventative measures, helping clients in all areas of their life.
First of all, you are energy and you are surrounded by energy. Everything in the universe is energy at it’s most basic level, and so are you. Within this sea of energy, you have your own unique energy field your own unique energy pattern or vibration. It is created by your thoughts, emotions, actions, beliefs, and experiences. It is created by the communication of electrochemical processes occurring within your physical body all the time. Just as we have a physical anatomy, we have also an “energy anatomy.” The human energy field or “aura” surrounds and permeates the physical body. The physical body could be thought of as the most dense expression of the energy, and as only one of a number of bodies which comprise our energy anatomy. We also have “subtle bodies,” which are sometimes referred to as the emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. In addition the universal life force energy is flowing through and around you and your energy field.
How can energy healing accelerate the healing process? Tissues can heal slowly because the channels of communication that normally connect the tissue to the rest of the body are not functioning optimally, due to physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual imbalance. Energy healing facilitates the communication channels that enable the body to heal itself.
Why would you want an energy healing? As noted above, it improves healing from illness. In addition, it is a preventative modality because blocks in the energy field at higher vibrational levels are identified before they affect the lower vibrational physical body. In addition, studies have shown it alleviates stress, one of the major components of illness.
Give it a try!
Story about Charles D
Most people have an occupation during their lifetime. Many are seen as gifted: artists, musicians, or surgeons, for example. Bejay is a gifted Healer. And I do not believe she chose to pursue the Healing Arts as much as she was chosen. It was a Calling. I have known Bejay for many years and called upon her talents many times over those years and will continue to do so until the end. Bejay has never failed to lift my spirits and helped me to see my own value and Inner Light. I am very grateful our paths crossed in this lifetme.